SEO Freelancer UK - Easy Optimisation

Video SEO Nina Payne Brighton SEO Speaker YouTube

This blog entry looks deeper into the target phrase "SEO Freelancer UK" on both YouTube and Google by leveraging similarities in their ranking factors:

The similarities between YouTube and Google's organic ranking factors and how to work towards ranking the target phrase "SEO Freelancer UK" on both platforms.

Both YouTube and Google use complex algorithms to determine search rankings and surface relevant content to users. While the specifics of each algorithm differ, there are some core similarities we can leverage in our digital marketing strategy.

First, both rely heavily on keywords. This means the phrase "SEO Freelancer UK" should appear naturally in titles, descriptions, subtitles, and tags. Doing on-page keyword optimisation shows both algorithms the relevance of our content.

Next, user engagement is critical. To rank on YouTube, our videos need to keep viewers watching, commenting, liking, and sharing. 

To rank in Google, our pages need quality backlinks, lower bounce rates, and repeat visitors. On-page SEO rules for content means maximum user engagement is key.

The third similarity is their focus on quality. Google wants sites with expert knowledge, secure infrastructure and good reputation. 

YouTube values production quality, engaging visuals, thumbnails, and creator authority. 

Ensuring our videos and pages meet quality standards will improve visibility.

Finally, freshness and uniqueness matter. Updated content that offers new information ranks better. Our SEO freelancing content should provide value-add insights and leverage current trends.


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